Modern Ponzis

One of the marvels of nature is the ability to adapt to changing environments. The Evolution Theory (which I only believe in partially) tells us that man was once made for the bushes, sturdy and dangerous, very strong and enduring. This has gradually been changing to the softer side. Today, man cannot even stand the chill of dusk! Being the copy-cat that man is, this has been fully taken advantage with concepts like continuous development and rebranding. You have probably seen the same bread wrapped in a new cover to be proposedly revamped and more nutritious! A famous cliché goes like the monkeys are always the same, what changes is forest. The truth cannot be emphasized more.

When the pyramid schemes were invented, they took "entrepreneurs" by storm. The logic behind it was seen in the short-term rather than the long-term. The "get rich quick" syndrome infected them and those. The contagious wave swept valleys and hills alike, and by the time the truth came out, many had been defrauded. In my country, families were broken and lives taken. Many lessons were learnt but one. The bigger they come, the harder they fall.

But do we ever learn? The apparition has been unleashed again. Only this time sand-witched and creamed! Every TV station has a "Royalty Rewards Scheme". A game so simple that even the biggest fool would have a chance at it. Just like true gambling. But is it just that? Is it a chancing game? Be it or not, that is beyond the question, after all, random selection is a rule that has no particular format. Thus anyone can be a winner! But what are we winning here? Where is this money coming from? Definitely not from a portion of the year round profits of the giant media business. Not one participant have I heard complain. The SMS is just too costly. And only one SMS does not guarantee you a "good chance".

The more you SMS, the more your chances of winning! The reality, the more money you pool into the scheme, the more the masterminds take home. The "price money" was contributed the first few weeks. The rest is pocket money for some people we all know. The usual suspects that vanished with our money the last time. The wheeler dealers in the public domain. The men with the Midas touch....everything they touch turns to gold. And that includes your hard earned money!